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Collaborative crowdoptimization of costs, processes, risks and UX

When it applies

When it is necessary to involve a large number of people to improve something, because knowledge is widely distributed due to the fragmentation and complexity of the activity. To collect suggestions for improvement for the optimization of products, services, channels, operational processes or initiatives of any sort. Also to identify initiatives for the improvement of margin, savings or efficiencies, risks, synergies... In an organized way and within a reduced time frame, motivating the organization.


Problem it solves

The areas and activities carried out in companies, as well as the processes that support them, have multiplied and become exponentially more complex in the last decade. In fact, there are largely no inventories of these processes, nor have they been catalogued in any way. Optimizing them becomes a daunting task if we have to first understand the current situation ("AS IS") and then design the objective one ("TO BE"). Optimizing processes like this takes too much time, and it comes at a too higher cost.


We may not have indexed these processes, but the people who work with them daily know where the friction is, what is failing, where improvements can be made...


The problem is that you have to reach many people because they all see a different part of the process or the UXIn organizations, a large part of the knowledge and insights necessary for the optimization of processes remain unexplained and wasted, distributed among many people on different hierarchical levels, because it is not easy to access them in an organized way.

  • Current channels such as meetings, surveys or communication platforms, including digital ones, are not enough.

  • Innovation specific platforms are very complex and rigid.

  • New formulas, such as "Datathons" and "Hackathons" can only be used sporadically: They require a lot of organization and digestion effort.

  • Agile teams are not agile enough for this task.

Added value by delibera

  • Get ideas for opportunities in process optimization, cost and risk reduction, UX improvement… in record time, accessing many people, categorizing and evaluating them in a simple way for later treatment.

  • Boosting interaction between those who ask for ideas and those who contribute them, as well as within the rest of the group.

  • Be able to prioritize ideas together, as a group, according to their potential impact, ease of implementation, strategic fit or other relevant criteria.

  • Identifying changemakers along the way, measuring and recognizing collaboration. 

  • Perform agile and collaborative follow-ups of launched initiatives.

  • Accomplish this exercise in a reduced time frame, 8-10 weeks, with little coordination effort.

Sequence of templates for collaborative crowdoptimization of costs, processes, risks and UX

Gather ideas


From large groups of people, categorizing them

Filter and prioritize


Based on impact and feasibility, with key stakeholders



Leadership team

Key templates in this use



Initiative owners

Mobilize the large amount of knowledge and energy distributed throughout the organization to optimize proceses and UX in record time

© Copyright delibera 2024. All rights reserved.

Success cases

  • The head of transformation of EMEA in a leading consumer goods company with more than 25,000 employees uses delibera (“crowdsavings”) to detect saving opportunities in the field of logistics and supply management. +1000 ideas are achieved in a few weeks and a significant amount of savings and efficiencies generated​


  • The Director of Operations of a leading bank, with the help of the head of Digital Transformation, use delibera ("crowdoptimization") to optimize the more than 500 operational processes they have, involving all the organization in an 8-week process, and achieving a 9.5/10 level of satisfaction with the results obtained and the process followed. 55 overarching initiatives are identified, prioritized and implemented to a 70% completion rate in 3 months.​


  • The Risk Management Director of a leading bank, along with a representative part of the organization, uses delibera (“crowdrisks”) to identify and prioritize the main risks the institution faces, fulfilling remote work regulation requirements and establishing effective control measures.


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