Host more dynamic leadership teams events
When it applies
For leadership team meetings or events, such as those organized with members of steering committees, top managers, sales force, employees, partners, suppliers, innovators, customers or other key stakeholders, in order to think, communicate and/or stimulate. With a variable duration that can range from a few hours to several days, recurringly or occasionally. They can be 100% digital or partly in-person. When we want to make these occasions truly collaborative and dynamic.
Problem it solves
Most of these events are still not very collaborative: unidirectional communication flows from a few to many.
Design thinking sessions in work groups using post-its generate engagement, but are limited by time, the number of participants, and the difficulty of listening to and organizing everyone's ideas.
Quick query tools are insufficient.
The social and fun aspect cannot be replaced, it can, however, be made more professionally interactive.
Most of the knowledge and energy of the attendees is wasted at key times to achieve alignment and mobilization. The impact is usually quickly diluted once the event is over.
Added value by delibera
It helps you carry out much more participative and collaborative events, transforming the role of attendees from spectators to protagonists.
Opening online conversations before the meeting with participants helps to understand and manage expectations, deal with issues, and surface topics and opinions of interest.
Collecting ideas beforehand makes the design thinking sessions much more productive: tables start with the contributions already made; the prioritization of proposals by all attendees with the Scores template allows participants to leave with agreed upon action plans.
During the event, you can ask about relevant issues after presentations; Helping to prioritize and focus action, in addition to collecting valuable feedback.
Sequence of templates for more dynamic leadership team events
Gather opinions of presentations from participants
Validate topics of interest
Warm-up debates
Agree on opportunities and/or threats
Feedback of the event
Prioritize trends, opportunities and threats
Debates on surfaced topics
Design thinking sessions with ideas that have been collected previously
Improvement opportunities
All participants evaluate and agree on actions considering potential impact and feasibility
Establish responsibilities and follow-up
Participants in events: “from spectators to protagonists”
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Success cases
The CEO of a leading consumer goods company uses the delibera ranking template to prioritize with the top 150 managers the 25 main obstacles standing in the way of transformation, in an event that proved essential for the entity.
The CEO of a benchmark multinational construction company, uses several delibera templates to manage a key transformation event with the top 50 key managers, where inputs from more than 15,000 employees, spread throughout 5 continents, are processed. During the 2-day event itself, up to 12 online conversations are opened to prioritize and assess contributions from speakers and group work.
The CEO of a leading global investment bank uses delibera to previously identify with the top 35 high-potential managers up to 50 initiatives to accelerate transformation. These are then enriched and prioritized in design thinking sessions using the score template during the event itself.