Carry out participative strategic or transformation plans and reflections
When it applies
When it is necessary to undertake far-reaching reflections, such as those necessary to define the development of strategic or transformation plans. Also, for strategic refocusing of the whole or a part of the activity: Area, business, product, service, channel, market... Recurringly or in a one-off event, and there is a desire to mobilize the organization both in the generation of "insights" and in their subsequent implementation.
Problem it solves
Strategic reflections continue to be done in a very centralized way, by the departments of strategy, innovation and/or transformation.
External help from consultants provides an additional point of view, but does not change the fact that they are “top-down”
They reflect a limited understanding of reality and opportunities, far removed from the capabilities and aims of those in the organization
As there are no “easy recipes” or a “one-size-fits-all” solution, these reflections end up as theoretical documents.
Added value by delibera
It allows you to carry out a strategic reflection or transformation plan including a very relevant number of people (500-1.000-5.000-20.000), in an organized and profound way and within a reduced period of time (2 to 4 months), by initiating 20-30 intelligent and sequenced conversations.
Optimizing the deliberation process, eliminating time, language and geographic constraints for participation
Identifying changemakers, measuring and recognizing collaboration
Optimizes the efficiency and scope of the process of collecting information and ideas.
Structures and segments the debate around actionable choices
Maximizes the chances of success in transformation, in a process that is innovative and exemplary in itself
Sequence of templates to carry out participative strategic or transformation plans and reflections
Key templates in this use
Get insights (diverge)
Prioritize (converge)
Decide (align)
Act (empower and follow-up)
Evaluate starting point
Gather valuable ideas distributed throughout the organization (bottom-up)
Filter and organize
Dig deeper
Prioritize based on impact and feasibility
Asign responsabilities to initiative owners
Validate management's hypotheses (top-down)
Stimulate with market trends, best practices and frameworks
Leadership team
Steering committee
TO + Changemakers
Transformation office (TO)
Strategic or transformation plan with an action plan, made and accepted by all the key people so it is carried out with the greatest chances of success
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Success cases
The CEO of a world leading construction company addresses the design of their transformation plan with delibera. Involving the top 100 managers spread throughout the world, they agree on 65 major initiatives for change within 10 weeks, including a digital workshop with the top 50 for decision making.
The Office Manager of a leading strategic consultancy uses delibera to reinvent their business model, making 19 decisions in 6 weeks, with 35 partners and almost 50 senior managers. The result after a two-month exercise is growth of more than 20% over the next three years.
The Secretary-General of a third sector entity with 300 employees and 80,000 collaborators prepares their two-year strategic plan, opening more than 30 progressive deliberations, in which 600 people are involved, during a 4-month process.
The Head of Digital of a leading global bank, had the challenge of defining and reaching consensus on the new Target Operating Model (TOM) in 10 countries. In just 2 months, a common and shared vision is achieved, accelerating the transformation.