Crowdinnovation of new business opportunities and revenue streams
When it applies
When involving a large number of people is required because knowledge is widely distributed. To gather innovative ideas for businesses, products, services, channels, revenue streams or other benefits.

Problem it solves
In organizations, a large part of the knowledge and insights necessary for transformation are ignored or wasted. These insights are distributed among many people on different hierarchical levels, and are not easy to access.
Current channels such as meetings, surveys or communication platforms, including digital ones, are insufficient
Innovation specific platforms are very complex and rigid
New formulas, such as "Datathons" and "Hackathons" can only be used sporadically: They require a lot of organization and digestion effort
Added value by delibera
To be able to collect, categorize and evaluate improvement opportunities in record time, accessing many people
Promoting interaction between those who ask for ideas and the people who give them, as well as within the rest of the group
Be able to prioritize ideas together, as a group, according to their potential impact, ease of implementation, strategic fit or any other relevant criteria.
Identifying changemakers along the way, measuring and recognizing collaboration
Perform agile and collaborative follow-ups of launched initiatives
Sequence of templates to crowd-innovate new business opportunities and revenue streams
Gather ideas
From large groups of people, categorizing them
Filter and prioritize
Based on impact, feasibility, with key stakeholders
Leadership team
Key templates in this use
Initiative owners
Mobilize the large amount of knowledge and energy distributed throughout the organization to boost growth
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Success cases
The Head of a leading technology consultancy uses delibera to identify threats and opportunities derived from the new competitive environment after the pandemic. Between the more than 80 partners and directors of the consultancy, present in 10 countries, 35 possible initiatives are identified, 90% of which are aimed at converting risks into business opportunities, and 12 are prioritized. In the process, changemakers and people with the desire and capacity to push these initiatives are identified. A year later, the consultancy grows at double digits and these initiatives represent 40% of their turnover.
The Commercial Director of a leading soft drink company uses delibera with more than 500 salespeople to see what new business and service opportunities they see for the HORECA channel (Hotels, Restaurants and Cafeterias). Given the diversity within the channel and the typology of initiatives, categorizing, grouping, enriching and filtering them is definitive for the launch of a high impact action plan on the channel.
The Head of B&M Retail for the sale of telecommunication services and devices uses delibera to see how to improve the value proposition and the user experience at the points of sale and customer service, collecting the inputs of the people who are in contact with the market within a period of 3 weeks.