Jointly identify obstacles to effective transformation
When it applies
When we want to start the process of design or implementation of a strategic or transformation plan, we have a vision, an idea or an action plan that takes into account possible difficulties. However, we know that if day-to-day interactions between areas and people are already complex, getting to where we need to can be even more so. It is important to start by jointly identifying the obstacles we face.

Problem it solves
Identifying the obstacles that prevent the proper functioning of day-to-day operations in the organization, slowing down its capacity for change, is the first step for effective transformation. Things don't happen or stop from happening by themselves. They are not the result of chance, but of causality. Things happen or stop from happening in 5 key areas:

For each of these 5 areas we have a list of about 10 obstacles that repeat themselves in 95% of organizations. For example, work in silos, lack of recognition for collaboration, or the non-inhibition of "passion killers" (people who systematically boycott energy for change). Fruit of having carried out this exercise in more than 30 leading organizations.
Added value by delibera
Through a ranking template it is very easy to prioritize and detail these obstacles before starting down the path of transformation. Performing this exercise with the leadership team, middle management and other key people in the organization.
From the shared understanding of what is failing at the level of people and way of working, we are able to design initiatives that generate a more productive and stimulating workspace and facilitate transformation. The good news is that 50 obstacles are solved with 5 or 6 major initiatives...
Sequence of templates to jointly identify obstacles to effective transformation
90-minute meeting where a list of generic obstacles is shared and others are added, with the assistance of the extended leadership team
Joint prioritization of obstacles, adding additional ones but above all grounding them to the reality of the organization (3-4 days)
Key templates in this use
60-minute meeting where the results of the diagnosis of obstacles and the corresponding initiatives are communicated
Being realistic with initial organisational obstacles is the first step towards alignment and transformation
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Success cases
The extended Leadership Team (management committee + middle managemenet + key people: 80 in total) of a leading global insurance company, prioritizes the obstacles to the development of its new strategic plan. They identify the 5 most important ones and launch initiatives to address them with the employees who most avidly described them.
The 15 HR Managers of a leading multinational energy and utilities company prioritize the obstacles faced by the corporate center to serve its subsidiaries around the world.
The Leadership Team of an official credit institution prioritizes the obstacles to provide a more End-2-End and comprehensive service to its clients, which will promote empowerment, accountability, collaboration and motivation in the workforce.